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Many thanks to you and your informative website

(Boaz Hillel Migdan, 2018-10-01 10:56)

In my quest to learn more about the Azawakh dog I stumbled upon your site, witch I found very helpful. Actually, one of the best that I found to this date!
Tank you
Boaz Hillel Migdan

Great Website

(Julia, 2017-04-14 15:21)

Hello! Thank you for your great work and useful information on your site! We like photos of your dogs! Our company produces high-quality professional dog equipment. We have special discounts for kennels, dog schools and trainers! We would be glad to offer you a partnership and will wait for your reply. Welcome to our store: www.dog-harnesses-store.co.uk Best regards!

Many thanks

(Andrey, 2014-12-21 22:08)

Thanks a lot for the info, its not easy to find out anything usefull about Azavakh even in the internet
I'm really impressed by the breed, after all I am the owner of greyhounds and russian borzoi dogs for many years.
And now thinking about to start working with the breed.

Very enjoyable reading

(Tricia , 2014-03-03 21:26)

I thoroughly enjoyed reading the various pages.Very valuable information for anyone new to the breed or someone thinking of obtaining their first Azawakh.Thank you x

Re: Very enjoyable reading

(Jana, 2014-03-04 07:55)

Thanks for your words, Tricia :-)

Adopt Azawakh

(Emil, 2013-07-02 14:58)


I have tried to contact Petra Stammberger several times, but I have not recive any answer. I would really like to adopt a Azawakh dog, as I have great experience with dogs and finally a lot more free time than before.
Any tips how I could get in contact with her?

Please get back to me at emil@cmag.se

best Regards
Emil Gustavsson

On 'sighthounds'

(Richard Hawkins, 2013-05-08 15:10)

Very interesting to read Maria's commentary - Thank you!

You may find this, on sighthound identity, of interest:


Best wishes,
Richard Hawkins

Well Done!

(Debbie, 2011-12-24 21:44)

I love your web page. Very informative. It took me 5 years of waiting for my girl.She has flown to me from England all the way to Australia,and thanks to a wondrful start in life, is the most loving,gorgeous girl and a huge part of our family. You feel like a loving soul to me.Keep up the great page. I hope that there may never be Az's needing rescue,but I know that I am dreaming. So sad.


(Lise Kvist, 2011-08-31 17:07)

wow! Love your website. Love your way of writing.
Everyone, who is conscidering getting an Azawakh MUST take a look at your site.


Miss you

(Tombouktou's Tekasit, 2011-08-02 19:49)

Kisses from Hungary and congratulation to this nice homepage


(Shirin, 2011-04-09 17:24)

very nice HP and beautiful Pics and Videos of Azawakhs!!

nice greetings Shirin and the Azawakhtrio: Bastien´s Sarely, Wilde Upendi and Wanjala

( www.azawakhtrio.at )

The Article On The Azawakh Character

(Mimi Cary Drake, 2010-12-15 11:49)

Very well written - a benchmark piece. Required reading for every prospective Azawakh owner, who should study this and ask himself, if he is worthy of living with such a fascinating creature.