"A" N´Ténéré Litter
OUR AZAWAKH LITTER WAS BORN ON 8TH JUNE! The dam is Cz, SK, Central European Specialty Winner, Junior BOB JAS 2008 (81 Azawakhs shown!) Tombouktou´s V´Akhami, the sire is TIGIDIT HARMATTAN of Mr. Alberto Rossi, Italy. 2 fawn males and 3 brindle females were born. Very low IC, interesting pedigree!
Pedigree of the litter "A" N´Ténéré
Tombouktou´s V´Akhami
TIGIDIT HARMATTAN is a healthy 7.5 year old, mature male of a sensitive and non-dominant character and a classic elegance. He sired a very promissing litter in the TIGIDIT kennel last autumn. His very correct and sound anatomy, as well as his interesting pedigree with several African imports, make him a very nice match for our Akhami.
Arwa Walet N´Ténéré - Gazelle, the Daughter of the Desert - brindle female
1 day old
14 days old
24 days old
32 days
The first-born puppy, an open-brindle female with beautiful markings. She "opened" the way to this world for her and her siblings. Immediatelly after birth, when she was dry and well taken care of by her Mum, she stretched her long front legs and almost stood up! Our vet, who came to supervise the birth, was realy impressed - she had never seen a puppy so strong and capable of doing such things! Well, the primitive breeds develop at a faster pace indeed!
(c) Lucia Drietomská, Sk
Owners: Dušan Macko and family, Slovakia
Afellah Tariy N´Ténéré - golden/red male Afellah (a name, also Dar Afellah is a town in Morocco, I wish to honour a friend with this name... she will understand...) Love of the Desert - this name has a symbolic meaning for me - Reconciliation
1 day old
14 days old
32 days
52 days
The second-born puppy, a male of a shining golden colour. His Daddy´s boy! He is the eye-catcher of the litter, with perfect regular markings. He is an active boy and he has his priorities well-set since the very first moment: eating, sleeping and cuddling with his Mummy! And well, going for "walks" around the whelping box.
Owner: Vladimír Macek, CZ
Agg Etebel N´Ténéré - means The one who is in line of sucession, Successor of the Desert - red male
1 day old
14 days old
32 days
50 days
Owner: Daniela Krausová and family, Czech Republic
The third-born puppy, a boy. He came to this world with a very special "hairdo" and before he got dry, it was really difficult to tell his real colour. Now it seems he will be brownish golden/red? His markings are a bit smaller as compared to his brother, but also beautiful. He represents a "quiet power": eating, sleeping, not wasting energy in unimportant things.
Aloonah Tarha N´Ténéré - Aloonah (a girl´s name), Love of the Desert - brindle with beautiful "marble pattern" female
6 days old
14 days old
32 days
The fourth-born puppy. Her white markings are almost the same as those of her older sister Arwa Walet. A very lively sweety who loves to go for short "crawls" around the whelping box.
Aloonah Tarha N´Ténéré, SK Junior Ch.; Czech Champion; Czech Grand Champion
Stays in the kennel
Aman Iman N´Ténéré - Water is Life in the Desert; a special name for a unique creature - dark brindle female
12 days old
14 days old
32 days
Our smallest girl. The fifth, last-born puppy. A dark brindle one with smaller white markings as compared to her siblings. A tiny little creature, who, however, is able to assert herself among her larger siblings. Our Little Lady, Little Lizard Lady, who has to use her intelligence and creativity to find her way among the big brothers and sisters.
Owner: Monika Meseck, Germany
Three generations (from left to right): Tombouktou´s P´Aytarel, Tombouktou´s V´Akhami, Aloonah Tarha N´Ténéré, Afellah Tariy N´Ténéré
Tombouktou´s V´Akhami (in the center) with two of her offsprings, Aloonah Tarha and Agg Etebel N´Ténéré
Agg Etebel N´Ténéré and his dam Akhami, coursing
©Photo: Bettina Schmidt, Jana Vrbacká, Petr Fiala, Oldřich Kupka, Alberto Rossi, Žaneta Rouchalová